Thursday, February 12, 2009


So last night as the kids & I were eating dinner Abby yelped & started to cry. We asked what was wrong & through the miracle of not so official sign language, tears & hysteria we were able to make out that she had bitten down on her fork. Ouch!! Abby kept crying & saying her tooth hurt, then Gray being the genious that he is suggested maybe her tooth was loose. Yep, it is official Abby has her first loose tooth. Yeah Abby. She is so excited about this because many of her friends have already lost teeth. I cannot tell you how many times last night I heard, "I can't believe I have a loose tooth" or "I didn't think my tooth would be loose today." Oh the thrill of growing up. I have a hunch that this is going to be a long & painful process. Let's put it this way, Abby is not known for her pain tolerance & can sometimes be a bit of a drama queen. So we will see how this whole loose tooth things goes.
P.S. Grandpa we need you to fly to Illinois to pull out Abby's tooth!!


Jen Paris said...

congratulations, Abby! We're STILL waiting for Addison to get a loose tooth. Keep us posted! :)

Sherri said...

Whoa! Abby hasn't lost any of her baby teeth yet? You can try Tyler's approach and bounce a basketball to her face and knock it out! Good luck!

Katie, Sean and Nash Crowther said...

Oh how I miss Abby comments!!!Tell her "hi" and congrats! ALSO!.. Nash got his valentines and he tore them to shreads looking for the candy. They traded valentines at his daycare so he now sees the little valentine notes as barriers he must demolish to get to the candy inside... so the kit kat was happily found and devoured. Thank the kids and maybe next year we will be good relatives and return the favor! Love and miss you guys!