Monday, July 28, 2008

We should never own anymore goldfish

I am sorry to say that Bill is no longer with us anymore. We noticed Sunday morning that he was "swimming" on his side. We tapped the bowl just to make sure he wasn't just sleeping, but alas he didn't move. So unfortunately Bill met the same fate as Phil & is now swimming in the big goldfish bowl in the sky! Derek told the kids we would try a Beta fish, so we will see how that goes.


Jenna said...

Hey Heather! Good to hear from you, we kind of lost touch. So you are in Chicago now? How did you end up there? Your family looks well, kids are so cute! Keep in touch!

Sherri said...

Oh, poor Bill and Phil! It makes me remember our attempt at fish...remember Banjo and Benny? They were Beta fish and lasted a while, I think you have the right idea about getting a beta. Good luck! And my warmest regards for your family's muliple loss of goldfish.

Jami said...

We know how that is out our house- we can't seem to keep anything smaller than Hunter alive!

AnaLee M. said...

You know it's been my experience that it's all about your state of mind when dealing with goldfish. When you want them, they die and when you don't, they will live forever!!!! We had a beta fish who lived in a vase with a plantin the water and he lasted a very long time. Fish are great because they are very little maintinence and the kids love watching them. Good luck!