Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Poor Lindsey, she has gone from one ouchy to another on her little head. The most recent one was on Saturday, when she ran straight into the corner of the wall. The cut looked pretty deep so we ran her over to urgent care where they informed us they thought she would need 3 stitches. I don't think anyone young or old could have been as brave as she was. They asked her to hold still & she did (imagine that)!! She just laid there at let them stitch her up. No tears, no screaming, nothing.


Sherri said...

Thanks for posting the picture! Cute little Lindsey, first two nose injuries and now her head. Hopefully the upcoming month will be less eventful for her...at least in the area of first aid.

AnaLee M. said...

That was very brave of her. We've been there too! What a trooper!

Jami said...

what a brave girl! I don't think I could handle it! My sister in law had to take her daughter to urgent care to get a finger stitched and ended up laying on the stretcher next to her after passing out! that would be me!!!