Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Glasses

A few of you have noticed that Abby is wearing glasses a lot more in photos. We took Lindsey in for her Kindergarten check-up & decided we should take Abby to get her eye's checked seeing as how it had been a few years. I have never worn glasses, so I didn't know you should take your kid in every year to get a check-up if they wear glasses. Yes, now I know & I will be more on top of this. Anyway, much to Lindsey's dismay she has perfect vision & did not need glasses. Abby on the other hand has quite a severe astigmatism, which wasn't diagnosed a few years ago. Our new doctor said that she needs to be wearing her glasses 24/7. She has been awesome about taking care of her new glasses & remembering to put them on. Yeah, Abby. The day's following our visit to the eye doctor Lindsey kept telling me & anyone else who would listen that, "I really do need glasses, everything is so blurry." Then she would wave her hands in front of her face like she was blind & couldn't see what was in front of her. Listen to how clever I am. When we went to pick up Abby's new glasses we secretively had the lady punch the lenses out of her old glasses & gave those to Lindsey. We didn't fool her, she figured out right away that they didn't have lenses, but she still wears them. Problem solved.

We bought Abby two pairs so she could switch things up a little bit & if something were to happen to one pair, then she has a back up.

Look at my cutie-pies!! Love those girls.


EE said...

Wow! Talk about sophistication. Looks great gals! And Happy Bday Abby, sorry we missed you.

Sherri said...

Ahh, mystery solved about the spectacles I've seen Miss. Abby wearing. I forget that you've never had to wear contacts or glasses...lucky!