Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weekend Project

Derek used to build in his dad's workshop quite a bit when we lived in Utah. He has built coffee tables, bookshelves, kitchen hutches,etc. He doesn't really have any of the tools here to build something, but when I said Gray needed a bookshelf he got right on it. Here are a few pictures of our weekend project.

Derek built it, Gray sanded it & I painted it!! That is team work.


Emily said...

I was always so impressed with what Derek could make!! I found a great blog that gives ideas + plans for a ton of furniture ideas that are knock offs of pottery barn. So cute and so do-able... just haven't gotten to it myself!
check it out!

AnaLee M. said...

Very nice! Great team work!

Sherri said...

Love the bookshelf! Derek is amazing, and it's so nice to have custom furniture the exact size and shape you need it!

I still have my Derek originals, definitely keepsakes for me.

That cave camp out looks creepy.... I would have stayed home too.