Monday, October 26, 2009

Lego Discovery Center

After several days of rain we decided Saturday that we needed to find a fun indoor activity. We surprised the kids with a trip to the Lego Discovery Center. It was so cool, we loved all of the different animals, people & movie characters made out of legos. Starry Night in Legos
Getting ready for the 4-D movie
Darth Vador was totally cool.
Grayson was excited about Harry Potter, because he has been reading the series.
The Wrigley Building in Chicago


Emily said...

AWESOME!! You took them at the perfect age, too. Your kids are growing so much, hard to believe it.

Kim said...

How fun! I always liked legos as a kid but never had the patience to build anything even remotely as cool as in your pictures.

Jennifer said...

Who is taller? Derek or Darth? It's close!

Jenna said...

Dawson would love that place! He is all about Lego's. Your kids are getting so big!