Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day of School

Grayson is wearing a sling backpack, which apparently is all the rage in the 3rd grade. It took us many a shopping trip to locate one...thank you K mart!!

Lindsey is holding her new best friend Pinky the Chihuahua

The kids were so excited for their first day of school, we could hardly get them to hold still for a picture.


Jen Paris said...

what fun...everyone is growing up before our eyes. I can't believe it! Looks like you had a GREAT trip! How did Abby do being at school all day? (How did you and LIndsey do??) :)

Jami said...

Your kids are looking so grown up!!!

Gracey said...

YEAH for a new school year!!

Sherri said...

Those are some great lookin' kids....honestly, I wish I could squish them right now! Hooray for back to school!!!

Angela said...

I can't believe how big the kids are. They look like they are ready for a great school year. How fun for them!! It is so much easier for us when they look forward to and enjoy going to school. Madi starts preschool tomorrow, I hope she is as ready as your kids are.