Saturday, August 9, 2008


I know that a lot of you finished Sunday night, but I did it I finally finished Breaking Dawn. Now I can stop thinking about it every second I am not reading it & get on with my life. My kids will be so excited that this is all over. Hurray!!


Britton said...

How pathetic is this? I started Twilight the day it came out. Finished it and began New Moon..So, I hate New Moon and need to get motivated to finish it because Eclipse is on my shelf and I must finish this series!!!
Oh..btw...we decided to name our gps family member original is the name Navi? I know, we are soo creative over here!

Britton said...

Ok..I was logged on as Britton instead of the Child Family...didn't know if you'd make the connection!

Kevin said...

Will you and Jennifer please call and talk to each other about this? She's dying and she knows there only so much interest I can show...

Jenna said...

I hear ya! I am a little behind...I go twilight and new moon for my bday on July 23, and read them both in a week. Then I got eclipse and finished it last night. I started Breaking Dawn early this morning. It is consuming my life!!