All Done
While I was in "Mootah", having a weekend away, my sweet husband was playing super parent. Chauffering the kids, cooking fabulous dinners, trying to keep the house picked up, putting in ponytails & redmodeling. Yes that is right, I said remodeling. The best part of it all, is that he remodeled my office!!!! I know hate is a strong word mom, but I can honestly say I hated the ivy stenciled border that was put up by the previous owner & wanted it to go away. One day (about 9 months ago) I had a little paint left on the roller from the room I was painting and decided I would see how the color looked in my office. I rolled the roller a couple of times & then I was out of paint & that is how it has looked ever since. (Not one of my best decisions.) So while I was away, Derek totally redid my office. He painted, put up new blinds, installed a new ceiling fan, bought new lamps, printed out adorable pictures of the kids, framed them & hung them up all over the office. But that is not all, he even...organized all my stuff. (I have a lot of scrapbook stuff, so this was not an easy job.) Thanks so much Der, I love it!!!! (Cinda, Jennifer & Tracey you guys better come check it out fast before I mess it all up.)
ok...That is so Awesome!! You are one lucky gal! It looks great!! Does Derek have a hernia after moving the desk?
It was great to see you...even if it was just a couple of hours....
Alright, I guess I have to come to Chicago, maybe Tom will get the same idea and do that to our office? Seriously, Derek, you should be sharing this info with all of the husbands of the world. Looks great!!!
Mom told me Derek had this up his sleeve. We were wondering what you'd think. My concern was that Dad knew about it before taking you to the airport. He's not the very best at keeping secrets. I'm glad you got a terrific surprise. It looks great!
What a fun surprise! I love the color and how fun for you to have your own office.
AND....he took PICTURES???? That's the most amazing part. Well, the whole thing really. I read it and thought "wow". Husbands are amazing, aren't they?? Gotta love 'em. So, this can't be true, but Addison told me she saw you at Copper Canyon TODAY (Monday). She said you said hi to her and she said hi back. Just wondering cause it sounds like you're already home in Chicago! :) And I did wonder how you left something on my doorstep...
That is wonderful! Good job Derek! (Does that mean more coming from a decorator?...probably should see my office! One big mess with nothing decorated.)
What a fabulous surprise! Way to go Derek!! I'm impressed! Especially at the attempt to fix the girls hair!
Your room looks awesome! I am amazed at what Derek can accomplish in one weekend, with three kids. He's like super dad/husband/painter/remodeler! Way to go Derek!
Once again, husbands need to take brush-up lessons from Derek. Where did you get that desk, I love it! I am going to make you wait as long as you took to come see my bathroom paint!
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