Abby's Brownie troop sold Girl Scout Cookies in March. All the girls reached the troop goal & generous neighbors & family members bought over 200 boxes to send to the Troops in Afghanistan.
Since we had General Conference on Easter Sunday our dressed up Easter pictures really suffered. This is what Easter looks like when you get to stay home & watch conference on TV.
We had a great Easter. The weather was unseasonably warm & we were able to spend alot of time outside. It was even warm enough for easter egg hunts outside. Yeah!! We had a good time dying easter eggs & as you can see Lindsey ended up with more dye on her hands than her eggs.
Derek used to build in his dad's workshop quite a bit when we lived in Utah. He has built coffee tables, bookshelves, kitchen hutches,etc. He doesn't really have any of the tools here to build something, but when I said Gray needed a bookshelf he got right on it. Here are a few pictures of our weekend project. Derek built it, Gray sanded it & I painted it!! That is team work.
Derek & Gray had the fun experience of camping out in a wet, cold, cave. While I decided that the girls would skip this trip the boys (Grayson) decided this would be AWESOME